Friday 8 June 2007

Day 13 - 7th June

Lydbury North - Monmouth (73 miles)
After covering a healthy 30 miles this morning I decided a nice lunch break was in order and I stumbled across a place in Eardisley called 'The New Strand'. It turned out to be one of those wonderful little cafes come secondhand bookshop come pub come just about anything you want it to be. Every corridor was floor to ceiling with books and it was obviously the local meeting place. This was a fun place to have lunch and pick up some useful local info.
The afternoon took me into the 'Golden Valley' to monmouth via a very quaint toll bridge where I had to pay my 5p! I can only describe my progress through this part of the world as meandering although as you can see I managed to clock up an impressive 73 miles of meandering before wheeling across the Monnow bridge to my resting place for the night.
Believe or not, Monmouth is the most lively place I've been in days so I went for a wonder down the high street to sample the night life and an ale or two but it was all dead by 10.30. So to bed...
Tomorrow..... Bristol - 'Capital of the south west'

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